Day 23 of the 30 Day Challenge was a sad one for us.
It started out so well with the kids wanting to go on a bimble with their scooters. We decided to visit our favourite woods at the Frith.

The Frith is an ancient woodland with a massive electrical substation in the middle of it so we can only wander around the edge.
At the far end though there is a small copse off to the side with permissive paths through it (sign posted saying keep to the paths because of ground nesting birds). When we got there tonight, though, the landowner had put up a fence over all the access points and posted signs saying it was now closed to the public.
I have really enjoyed this small oasis over the years and cannot understand why the landowner has done this.

We soldiered on though and headed on around the Frith to a place where there is a lovely pond. I ended up carrying the scooters but it was worth it.

I spotted my first Meadowsweet of the year – a real plant of the summer.

There was plenty of life around the pond. As the kids had a snack I got down to the serious job of stalking the dragonflies 😉
Catherine spotted the little cricket on the bench she had been sitting on.

We headed off towards home saying one last goodbye to our old paths on the way.

It was a lovely bimble but a sad one none the less.