Do I get out and about with my children enough?
Probably not but when we do, we like to explore and adventure.
Two particular walks earlier this year stick out in my memory due to the flora and fauna that we came across and the fun we had. Both walks were in the same piece of woodland near our village.
On the way to the woods one of the routes takes you though our local church. The early spring flowers were quite beautiful.

As soon as we entered the woods the kids spotted something.

Needless to say it was not just the kids that were excited.

Eventually the deer took off. To see a herd of deer move as one is like watching a wave move through the woods. Quite a stunning sight. I was sorry that we had disturbed their rest but still delighted to see them. I was so glad that the kids were with me.

I was particularly delighted when Finlay pointed out some Cramp Balls to me as they are great fire starters when dried out. Enough to make any Bushcrafting father proud 🙂

We came across a fairly fresh kill site. The kids were straight in there looking at the feathers.

From looking at the feather tips the single score would indicate a bird of prey kill. If it had been a land animal such as a fox the tips of the feathers would have been jagged due to the tearing action of the animal’s teeth.

The slots from the deer were crystal clear for them to spot.

I did not ask my kids to collect tinder but they just went and collected anyway. Must be in the genes.

As usual the kids needed to be extricated from the trees. Thankfully Alison was on hand as my hands were too busy with the camera 😉

The next walk was a much more relaxed affair. It was time for the Bluebells to appear.

Some days Catherine wants to explore and some days nails are more important. Must be a Mars – Venus thing.

Thankfully Finlay wanted to do the Mars thing. He was determined to be able to lift this tree higher.

The bluebells were looking beautiful that day.

Also the orchids were standing lovely in the woods.

Finlay was more interested in finding bridges to cross and search under for Trolls.

I do love spending time in the woods but it is special when you are with your own family.
My kids love to use all the latest gizmos but thankfully they love the outdoors just as much.